Compliance is defined as either a state of being in accordance with established guidelines or specifications, or the process of becoming so. The definition of compliance can also encompass efforts to ensure that organizations are abiding by both industry regulations and government legislation.
The state of California has been a leader across the nation in establishing a CalGREEN Building CODE in order to guide all contractors to build structures both residential and commercial that guarantee more energy efficient buildings. They have established a codified set of regulations and procedures and set forth a Home Energy Ratings System [HERS] to make sure that these measures are part of the best practices of the construction industry.
We are Title 24 HERS Raters and CALGreen Special Inspectors
They have designated a group of individuals to monitor the Home Energy Rating System [HERS]. They are known as HERS Raters. HERS Raters undergo a rigorous training and certification process in order to obtain specific competence in testing various regulations of the energy standards specified in the CalGREEN Building CODE, Title 24, Section 6. In that sense, HERS Raters work as independent contractors and are an extension service to each city or county’s Building and Planning Department to enforce the building code. The testing and verification of these systems requires sophisticated testing equipment and tools that each HERS Rater must own.
Specifically, areas requiring HERS verification and certifications are:
LIGHTING: Field verification of proper high efficacy lighting
FENESTRATION (windows & doors): Field verification of certified U-Factor and Solar Heat Gain levels of window products.
INSULATION - QII: Field verification and certification that Quality Insulation Installation (QII) has taken place in subfloors, walls, and attic ceilings of a home with specified levels of R-value depending on Climate Zone of structure in the state of California.
- PLUMBING: Field verification that the correct DHW (Domestic Hot Water) system was installed,
HVAC (Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning): Testing and verification of duct leakage, proper air flow, fan-watt draw efficacy of furnace motor, and proper assurance of refrigeration charge in the AC Condenser.
PV SOLAR – New Construction: Field verification that PV Solar panels output is congruent with output of the inverter and PV System.
Energy Star Certification

Energy Star Certification for new homes is a powerful way to distinguish your home(s) from the competition. In an era of turbulent, but generally increasing, energy costs, more and more homebuyers are becoming attuned to the benefits of an energy efficient home. Energy Star for Homes, a certification that falls under the umbrella of the EPA's well-known Energy Star brand, is a powerful quality assurance program that ensures that a home is energy efficient, safe, and healthy.
We are qualified to administer Energy Star Home certification, and are also happy to serve as a consultant to architects, builders, and homeowners during the design/build process to ensure that a project meets all Energy Star requirements.
J R CONSTRUCTION – SOL SOLUTIONS, Inc. is certified in all of these areas and looks forward to serving your needs in this assessment process. We are also certified as a Green-Point Rater, with Build It Green for both existing buildings and new construction. In addition, we are certified nationally with the Building Performance Institute (BPI) thus being trained to a nation-wide standard for safety and quality assurance in the construction industry.
We look forward to being of service to you in fulfilling your building code compliance specifications.
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Wonderful contractor experience. Every detail from explaining the process to keeping us informed of progress was excellent. Work was completed on time and the quality was excellent.